Foot step of Japanese American Robert Shiomi(3) School days
Robert graduated Failing Elementary School on 1920, then went to Benson High School(photo 1). His name was shown in several articles of OREGONIAN, local news paper.
Photo 1.
<Radio club Mar 3, 1922>
Twelve new members were voted into the Radio club at the last meeting on March 7. They are: Floyd Robinson, Grenn Hoover, Darwin Marvin, Leslie Brennan, W. C. Stuart, Percy Yost, Ralph Peterson, Clyde Blomgren, Richard Oswad, Ed Bell, Robert Shiomi and Joseph Miller.
Their older members of the club have started a series of lectures on the theory of wireless telegraphy at the meetings. A question box has also been started. Rechard Settlerstrom and Willard Barzee are now constructing and setting up a receiving set. This set will be installed in the club room when it is completed. The club constitution is being revised by Murice Saelens, William Burke and John Smith.
Shows afford Amusements for pupils of citi high schools (The Sunday Oregonian 19,Mar. 1922)
<The Benson Tech Camera club Nov. 11, 1922>
The Benson Tech Camera club held their regular meeting after school on Friday, November 10 at which time they proceeded to select a suitable emblem in the way of a pin which would represent the club in the most satisfactory manner.
It was decided that the best design was that of an open miniature folding camera of kodak, upon which was emblazoned the letters T.C.C. Holden LeRoy was appointed to investigate merits of various photography magazines and make a report on the same at the next meeting.
The new dark room schedule has just been completed and is now being enforced. By this schedule each member is allotted a certain amount of time to use the dark room each week for he purpose of developing or printing his own or the club’s pictures.
A good portion of the meeting period was devoted to the talking over of the photography contest now in progress among the club members.
Robert Shiomi was appointed clean and straighten up the dark room
Multitude of affairs keep pupils of high schools busy (The Sunday Oregonian 19, Nov. 1922)
Joining Radio club and Camera club shows he was a curious boy.
He was an only Asian boy in both of Radio club and Camera club. He seems not to hesitate but enjoy his school days of good old age of America.(Photo 2)
Photo 2(Second right of Second front line seems to be Robert.)
After graduated high school, he attend to medical school of University of Oregon. Father Saichi seems to back to Japan, Carol, Robert’s daughter said he could afford his tuition by working as a houseboy. There are many students enjoying their college life in the yearbook of University of Oregon 1930, but he might have no time to spent like as club activities. He worked as intern in New York after graduate medical school. (Photo 3)
Photo 3
We can find Robert got BA of College of Literature, Science and the Arts and School of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine in The University of OREGON Bulletin 1930. Those may effect his contribution to the museum, orchestra, opera later.
Foot step of Japanese American Robert Shiomi (7) Social contribution -Exchange Student Support- Closing Note Foot step of Japanese American Robert Shiomi (Introduction) Foot step of Japanese American Robert Shiomi(2) Hajime Shiomi, the crosses ocean alone at age of 13. Foot step of Japanese American Robert Shiomi(6)-Donation of Cultural Heritage-